New: Recurring Events and All Day Events
You guessed it! The SteepleConnect calendar now supports recurring events and all day events - a much requested feature which is now fully functional. How does it work? Well lets take a look...
First start by creating an event on the day you want it and click "Add". The event should show up on the calendar on the right day (this should all be familiar territory). Now for the fun part, when you click on the event to edit it, you'll notice an all new button at the bottom left corner of the screen entitled "Duplicate".
Clicking on this button will duplicate the exact event on the same exact day. Want it on a different day? Simply change the date before clicking "Duplicate" or drag it to a different day afterwards. No longer will you have to re-type the same data over and over. It's just that easy.
... But that's not all! You can now create "All-Day" events by simply not entering or clearing the "Time" field on any event.
Well that's pretty much it for now, stay tuned for more updates!